Use source("filename.r") to run this.

#utility functions

readinteger <- function()
  n <- readline(prompt="Enter an integer: ")

# real program start here
num <- round(runif(1) * 100, digits = 0)
guess <- -1

cat("Guess a number between 0 and 100.\n")

while(guess != num)
  guess <- readinteger()
  if (guess == num)
    cat("Congratulations,", num, "is right.\n")
  else if (guess < num)
    cat("It's bigger!\n")
  else if(guess > num)
    cat("It's smaller!\n")
> source("random-number-game.r")
Guess a number between 0 and 100.
Enter an integer: 50
It's smaller!
Enter an integer: 20
It's bigger!
Enter an integer: 40
It's bigger!
Enter an integer: 45
It's smaller!
Enter an integer: 43
It's bigger!
Enter an integer: 44
Congratulations, 44 is right.

The readinteger function has been explained in a previous example.


The round function rounds the first argument to the specified number of digits.

> round(22.5,0)  # rounds to even number
[1] 22
> round(3.14,1)
[1] 3.1

Getting a random number

runif generates random numbers between 0 and 1. The first argument specifies how many numbers you want.

[1] 0.8379240 0.1773677

The "unif" part of the function indicates that the numbers are uniformly distributed:

This isn't completely uniform at the sides because of our use of round. A round to 0 only happens between 0 and 0.5 because we don't have negative numbers.

A non-uniform normal distribution would look like this:

Learn how to make these graphs here.